december 25, 2024
We are currently approaching a new year and looking back on one that was characterized by a comprehensive struggle on many levels. The focus was on the struggle for the physical freedom of the peoples leader Abdullah Ocalan and the solution to the Kurdish question, which was developed as part of a global campaign. What can you tell us about this struggle and the constant new speeches in the Turkish parliament in relation to Abdullah Ocalan?
First of all, I respectfully greet Rêber Apo1 and congratulate him on the new year. There has been no change in Imrali; as Rêber Apo put it himself, the isolation continues. Therefore, the struggle within the framework of the global campaign against the system of isolation, torture, and genocide in Imrali, aiming for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo and the solution of the Kurdish question, continues in every field with diversified methods. As has been made clear, there is a new and even stronger plan for the global campaign to become even more successful in its second year. The results of the first year have already been evaluated and discussed. In the second year, the aim is to achieve lasting progress in terms of Rêber Apo’s physical freedom.
As part of the conclusion of the first year of the campaign and as a consequence of the developed struggle, a meeting with Rêber Apo took place on October 23. This meeting took place as a result of the massive pressure that was built up on the fascist AKP-MHP government. There was no other reason for the meeting to take place. The struggle enforced this meeting. This has revealed that goals and important results can be achieved through the struggle. Through the struggle, the Imrali system of torture, isolation, and genocide will be shattered. The walls of Imrali will come down. Rêber Apo’s physical freedom will be ensured. Yes, this is possible, but only through struggle. The goal is to develop the necessary intensity of the struggle in the second year of the global campaign. The struggle continues with the participation of people from all walks of life, led by women and youth, in all four parts of Kurdistan and all over the world. And those who carry out this struggle are combining their own struggle for freedom with the struggle for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. Because the quest for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo is closely linked to the general question of freedom and democracy. These are intertwined and inseparably connected with others. Therefore, the struggle for freedom and democracy everywhere is part of the struggle for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. It is necessary to develop and expand the struggle more, and in this second year achieve lasting results for the physical liberation of Rêber Apo.
Bearing this in mind, we entered the second year of the global campaign. And for this, it is necessary to raise the struggle in every field. Women, youth, workers, and laborers, the Kurdish people and their international friends, in all four parts of Kurdistan and all over the world, must wage the struggle much more intensively and effectively.
One must not be deceived by their false promises. Many empty words are being spoken by them, and false hopes are being raised because they are in a panic due to the hopelessness of their situation. In view of the level to which the struggle has developed in these times of the Third World War in the Middle East, Devlet Bahceli speaks of ‘survival of the state’. But there is nothing behind it. They are empty words that he speaks. Nothing will follow them. He is trying to create hope where there is none.
He seemed to be a person to be taken seriously, and we also wondered for a while whether his words should be taken seriously, but the result shows otherwise. It is not as it seems. It is unclear whether it is because he is being blocked by Tayyip Erdogan. There are some who say that Erdogan is against it and that Bahceli is not getting anywhere because it is not in his hands. We can’t know that, so we look at what is openly visible. Because the Kurds have experienced so much torture, so many massacres, that they no longer value words. Their ears are closed; they don’t believe all the promises. Instead, they have their eyes open. All that counts for them is what they see. And right now there is nothing to see, as practically nothing has developed. That’s why it’s important not to listen to all those empty words. Many comrades have already assessed this comprehensively.
It is a form of special and psychological warfare. Special and psychological warfare consist of lies and deception. They lie and create expectations that there will be talks, that this and that will happen. They are trying to weaken the struggle for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo; they are trying to prevent the further development of the global campaign. They are trying to distract attention and loosen the struggle. This is what they are aiming for with all their speeches.
Until concrete steps are taken, until there are statements from Rêber Apo himself, until there are official statements from our movement, and until concrete steps are taken that everyone can see with their own eyes, there should be no change in the approach and definitely no weakening of the struggle. We don’t care who says what. We take care of our own business. And it is our business to struggle for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo and the solution of the Kurdish question, to wage this struggle with rich methods, to wage it everywhere, and to make it bigger and to make it permanent. In other words, to make this fascist, colonialist, genocidal system, the Imrali torture system, unsustainable, to force the walls of Imrali to crumble, to prevent any further torture, and instead to pave the way for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. This is the necessary approach. One should not pay attention to anything else. One should not be a tool of deception, deceit, and lies.
No one should build up expectations in society, pretending to know something that others don’t know. No one should allow themselves to become a tool in the hands of others. They are trying to create an agenda and shift the general discussion. In doing so, they are trying to weaken the struggle that has developed within the framework of the global campaign. There must be no false expectations. Instead, it is important to strengthen the struggle, to enrich the methods with which it is waged and to ensure that a stronger unity is created in the struggle. Everyone must take part in the struggle to break the system of torture, isolation and genocide in Imrali and ensure the physical freedom of Rêber Apo.
As pointed out before, our people, women and youth, and patriotic people and our friends in general must not believe anything else that is said. It is clear that the other side is imposing itself with everything it has. What they say are lies, and what they touch is poison. Don’t we know who they are? They are trying to render us incapable of struggle with a thousand and one tricks. One must not fall for this game; one must not fall for these tricks. One must see and understand this well. Therefore, we must develop our planned, organized struggle more in line with our own goals and realize our goal. We must ensure permanent steps towards the physical freedom of Rêber Apo within the next year.
A few weeks ago, there was a massive rupture in Syria. Within a few days and weeks, the existing system collapsed, and now the situation in the country is uncertain, with the central question of what kind of new government will emerge. How do you assess this process?
That’s right, a crucial change in the balance of power in Syria began at the end of November. Now everyone is discussing the consequences of this. There is a suitable Turkish saying: ‘Let’s hope that one will not long for what was overcome.’ Currently, one can only make such a wish. Because it is known what was just overcome, but it is also known who all the forces are that are involved in building the new. They promise some things and are also trying to create some expectations. Supposedly there will be a new Syria, a democratic Syria, a pluralist Syria. What we can say is, let’s hope that this is the case. We have always fought for this. The Kurdish struggle, and even the PKK’s struggle, has been no less. But it is not clear what will really happen.
What has happened so far? The situation we are seeing right now is a result of the world war. This started with the collapse of the Baathist governments in Iraq. Now it has taken a new level with the fall of the Baathist Syrian regime in its 61st year. There are also the results of the Gaza war since October 7, 2023. We made it clear on many occasions that after Gaza, it would be Lebanon’s turn, and after Lebanon, it would be Syria’s turn, and after Syria, it would be Cyprus.
The situation that is currently developing in Syria is being driven forward under the leadership of Turkey. Now, various circles flatter Tayyip Erdogan and pat him on the back. Trump is not even in the White House yet and is already starting to praise Erdogan. He is inflating himself like a frog inflating itself.
But what did he really do? Did he do something for the benefit of Turkey? Or did he do it for the benefit of others and also prolong the life of his own government? Didn’t he personally benefit himself? The coming process will show this. Now those cries of victory are not very meaningful. They want to inflate themselves. We called it a Pyrrhic victory, a false victory. A victory similar to Saddam’s forceful invasion of Kuwait. They made many people do that, and now they are using Tayyip Erdogan in the same way. They used him in the Gaza War. Through him they made Hamas start the war, encouraged Hezbollah to go to war, and now in Syria, they have given the command of the war to Tayyip Erdogan. And now they inflate him because he has done a great job. How much is this in Turkey’s interest? Some Turkish intellectuals are questioning this, thinking, and discussing. But this still remains at a very weak level.
This inflated propaganda and psychological warfare of the AKP-MHP are so comprehensive that others are not even heard. They suppress them all. Actually, the situation had been completely different not long ago. Tayyip Erdogan was eager to meet with Bashar al-Assad. Secretly, openly, he was constantly trying to enforce a meeting. He talked to Putin, so that he would mediate, many times. Everyone was expecting that the US wanted to walk with Bashar al-Assad. Indeed, this was not just empty words. But suddenly some developments turned this situation upside down. Nobody expected that Hezbollah would be hit so hard, so fast, and that Syria’s turn would come so soon. Hezbollah’s power and support were very crucial in the survival of the Assad regime in Syria. When it was hit, Syria also weakened. The results of the Gaza and Lebanon War actually created this situation in Syria. They realized that Syria’s turn came early, and the Assad regime’s support was seriously weakened. Russia was the only one left. And so they came together on November 6 and made a deal. After that, there was no support left for the Bashar al-Assad administration. There was only the question of who will carry out this work, who should be entrusted with it. They made Israel fight against Hezbollah and Hamas in Gaza and Lebanon. Bashar al-Assad’s government was a government, a state that had a place in the UN. The system did not want Israel to be the one to destroy it. They made Tayyip Erdogan pull the rope. They made Tayyip Erdogan overthrow the UN-affiliated administration, and he is rejoicing, “I destroyed it; I won a victory”.
He is happy as if he has won a great victory; however, who knows what will happen to him tomorrow because of this? There is no need for him to rejoice too soon. He has been encouraged to do so. They saw very clearly that he is very eager. Until now, the US and NATO were kind of against it because they did not agree with its policies in Syria. They immediately held talks. The NATO secretary went to Turkey, and then they launched the attack from Idlib, and this result emerged.
Now this situation has emerged, but this is not a final result. The existing has been destroyed, but it is still not clear what will replace it or what will happen next. What the replacement implement will be is not clear at all. The people and organization who are considered as terrorists by those who supported it, the person for whom they issued an arrest warrant as a terrorist, are now the ones to join the meetings. They fall into each other’s arms, put on ties and suits, and try to tailor a matching government. But everyone is pretending. Those who are running this are pretending, so are the forces behind it, and so they also do it themselves. There is a lot of this kind of pretense in these Islamic circles. This is how such groups came to be in the beginning.
That’s how it is now, so one can say that the situation in Syria is rather unclear. In this way the formation of something new in Syria is difficult. It didn’t happen in Gaza or Lebanon either, nor did it in Iraq. They are destroying the old, and the new formation remains on a regional level. What is created now is temporary. They will only establish temporary things in Syria too, if they can. Because there are too many contradictions in Syria. The ethnic structure is very diverse. There are so many different religions, many different sects, and many very different groups of people. Only pluralist, democratic, confederal systems can create unity among them. Non-democratic systems cannot survive. They cannot create anything new or good. Therefore the current situation will prevail.
Syria was one step. It is said that after Syria, the forces in Iraq that oppose the monopolistic system will be targeted. On the one hand, Iran will be the target. It is already under siege. The pressure on Iran will increase. The other is Turkey. The global monopoly capital system is trying to establish control in the Eastern Mediterranean on the basis of energy and trade routes. Therefore, they are clearing the way. Cyprus will be next. Turkey is the center of the war. Therefore, sayings like “Turkey made this war” and “Tayyip Erdogan won it.” are empty. They are just words of deception. They are aimed at inflating public opinion in Turkey. Tayyip Erdogan’s administration was very much weakened. It was already about to fall. They were doing this to keep him standing. They saw that they still needed to keep him standing, as they used him as a provocateur. Obviously they want to use him more, and therefore they gave him such a Pyrrhic victory to keep him on his feet. But what will happen at Turkey’s borders? The war has come closer to Turkey, and it is not clear what the country will face.
We had warned Turkey that it should not waste any time. Those who are using the talks with Rêber Apo as part of their special warfare will realize tomorrow that it is too late to take them seriously. Turkey is missing the opportunity. It is exhausting the possibilities. Why don’t those who love Turkey understand this? Why don’t they see it? The opposition forces, democratic circles, left-wing socialist forces, women’s and youth organizations should be raising hell. With the AKP-MHP government that has created this situation in Syria, it is unclear what this will bring for Turkey. We already pointed out before that the only savior from this is Rêber Apo. Turkey’s only salvation is the democratization of the country on the basis of Kurdish freedom. Without this, Turkey has no future. And the only person who can provide this is Rêber Apo. Now they’re talking about the possibility of something happening tomorrow or the day after. That’s a game for them. All they are doing is wasting time and letting the only possibilities slip away. Tomorrow it may already be too late for them.
The Kurds are also at the center of the attacks and the war in Syria, and above all the aggression of the Turkish state. What impact does this have on the self-administration and what role can it play in the new Syria? What repercussions will this have on Turkey?
Today’s situation is not one that was created by Turkey or Tayyip Erdogan and his administration. The war in Gaza, the war that had already started in the Gulf in the 90s, was led by the same people who started it, and they also did so in Syria. It happened according to their plan. Turkey was only used to play an executive role. It was made the force that was to pull the rug out from under Bashar al-Assad’s feet. This is not Tayyip Erdogan’s success. They made him do it. The forces that made him do it are the forces that conducted the previous war. They are also behind the forces now sitting in Damascus. They want to involve Turkey and bring it to the point they want, that is, to take it under their full control. And the current Turkish government is giving them everything they want in exchange for staying in power. What will happen to Turkey afterwards, of course, is never clear. Now that a new Syria will be created, what will happen? They have brought Turkey into the picture to put pressure on the Kurds. It attacks them on a daily basis. First there was an attack on the Kurdish communities in Tell Rifaat, who had migrated from Afrin, and then there was the attack on Manbij and the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES). Turkey is commanding these attacks. They call it the ‘Syrian National Army,’ but there is no such force. They called it a different organization, but it consists solely of Turkish organizations with many different names and masks. This is commonly known. And the FSA is at the heart of this. The FSA is the Muslim Brotherhood, and Tayyip Erdogan is the co-chairman of this Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is not an organization of another power; it is directly their organization.
What will the new Syria look like? What will be the role of the Kurds, the role of the communities? These are questions that need to be addressed. The existing Syria has been destroyed, and it is not so easy to build a new one. It cannot be established like the old one. No one will accept it. Everyone has become a little more conscious and organized over the years. There are many ethnic structures, different religions, and many sects. Not only Sunni Arabs live here. There are Christian Arabs, there are Arabs of other religions, there are Assyrians, Assyrians, Armenians, Turkmens… In other words, there is everyone.
They want to put the DAANES under pressure and threat. When the DAANES shows some resistance, it can be a power, a bright light within Syria. It is an influential power, and it has people, very conscious and organized people that are resisting, to rely on. I salute that resistance and commemorate their martyrs with respect, love, and gratitude. They resisted heroically and are still resisting at the Tishrin Dam, the Qereqozakh Bridge, and in Kobane. Just as ISIS and the YPG fought there in the past, the same forces are fighting there now.
The model and experience of the DAANES can be an example for all of Syria. They have created a democratic system that unites so many different ethnicities. In over twelve years, they have acquired a tradition of self-administration and corresponding experience. In fact, they thereby have created an answer to the question of how the new administration in Syria should be. They should not be afraid. They are the most organized and strongest group when they show resistance. As they resisted against ISIS, they received the support of all the peoples and democratic circles of the world, and now again they have the support of the Kurdish people; they have the support of all peoples, women, youth, and democratic circles. And there will be an increase.
It is not clear what the opposing power will develop. They might try to turn it into a new Afghanistan. But it is clear that the DAANES is the basic model, the core of the new democratic Syria. The people will support it. Those who strive for women’s freedom, those who want the freedom of peoples, those who want democracy, those who want freedom of thought and organization – they find all of this in the DAANES. They have created such a model of democratic governance. They have created a model of how Syria could be a democratic confederal system along the understanding of the democratic nation. As I said, if there really is to be a democracy, the experience of North and East Syria is a model for the whole of Syria. They can utilize it and adapt it to Syria. They have the power to do so. They are in the strongest position for this. They should definitely not see themselves as weak. Especially the Kurdish people, but generally all the peoples of North and East Syria. They already are united there. They should strengthen their union and intensify their resistance. All the people – women, old people, and even the young people – are armed. This is a people’s resistance. It inspires all the oppressed and shines for them like a star. They have the support of all those under oppression and exploitation. They will always support them. That is something they can trust in. Various massacres are taking place; it is necessary to resist against them. It is not possible to be successful without resistance.
Let me ask, who are these people in HTS? Some of them were gathered from East Asia, and some from other far parts of this world. They are a recruited group of mercenaries. The Syrian National Army is a recruitment group. They are trying to portray it as if this is a force of nations, while on the other side are ‘the Kurds’. Let me take this opportunity to point something else out. They keep saying that the PKK is the problem. They have made it a catchphrase. They say this to put pressure on the DAANES. As comrade Cemal has already put it, there is no organizational connection. But this is not a problematic situation. There are consultants, individuals who work as consultants there. If there are non-Syrian Kurds who are doing some work as individuals, and they are associated with the PKK, if the DAANES says that they should leave their areas, they will leave. Particularly for PKK members, this is no problem. They had already taken their weapons from Northern Kurdistan before and had crossed to Rojava Kurdistan to help fight and resist against ISIS. Tayyip Erdogan knows this more than anyone else. It is not possible to put pressure on the DAANES in this regard. I salute all the peoples of North and East Syria, and the Kurdish people in particular, for their resistance and commemorate their martyrs with respect. I wish them great success in their historic struggle for freedom.
On December 19, two journalists, Nazim Dashtan and Cihan Bilgin, were murdered in a targeted Turkish drone strike on a vehicle that was clearly marked as a press vehicle. What can they tell us about this?
First of all, I commemorate the martyrs Nazim Dashtan and Cihan Bilgin with respect, love, and gratitude. Indeed, they were fighters of light against darkness, truth against tyranny, goodness against evil, beauty against ugliness, and freedom against slavery. They were sacrificial warriors of the truth.
Everyone learned from Nazim and Cihan what happened in Manbij, at the Qereqozax bridge and the Tishrin dam. Otherwise, without their efforts, the lies and manipulation of the Turkish state’s special psychological warfare would have been accepted as truth by everyone. It was them who repelled this propaganda and unmasked it. They illuminated the truth and set an example of great courage and sacrifice. Because of this, they were deliberately targeted. It was a planned attack, a targeted assassination. A massacre, an assassination committed by the Turkish state, by the administration of Tayyip Erdogan. An assassination that constitutes a crime against humanity. In the language of law, this is called premeditated murder. They treacherously targeted them because Nazim and Cihan were ripping down their masks. They were resisting valiantly, as the people of North and East Syria resist valiantly. They did not make fake friendships like Tayyip Erdogan. This is what Bashar al-Assad’s government was doing for a while. Nor did they engage in dishonorable warfare. The Kurds and those allied with the Kurds have always stood firmly with a democratic mentality against the Baathist regime. They waged the most effective and fruitful struggle. As journalists, Nazim and Cihan have made this sacrificial and valiant war of the people for democracy and freedom visible. In doing so, they have rendered a great service to the people in the fight against the propaganda war.
Once again, I commemorate them with respect and gratitude. I share the pain of all their loved ones, their families, and the members of the free press. They are embraced everywhere, but still their legacy deserves to be embraced even more. Societies that cannot embrace these people cannot survive. ‘The free press cannot be silenced’ is chanted everywhere, and indeed this is true. We strongly believe in this because its foundations have been laid very firmly. It was the people like Mazlum Dogan, Gurbetelli Ersoz, and Ape Musa who laid it. This struggle cannot be stopped with such an attack, with such an assassination. The press can and will not be silenced. No matter what they did throughout the past five decades, they could not silence it. This struggle has continued by overcoming all obstacles, overcoming all kinds of difficulties, and showing all kinds of courage and sacrifice. And it will continue. Nazim and Cihan will be the symbols of the struggle for a free press.
We are currently still in the month of December. It is a month in which Kurdish society, and therefore democratic society in general, has historically suffered much pain. What would you like to express on this occasion?
The month of December, particularly the second half of this month, has historically seen a number of massacres and assassinations carried out by the Turkish Republic. Actually, the history of the Turkish Republic consists of many massacres. In fact, this assessment shouldn’t be limited to the Turkish Republic, since massacres are part of the history of all states. But the sole existence of the Turkish Republic in Kurdistan means massacre. And especially looking at the month of December, this becomes clear.
The most incisive one was the Meresh (Gimgim or the Turkish name Kahramanmarash) Massacre, which took place on December 19 to 24, 1978, one month after the establishment of the PKK. The Alevi-Kurdish community was targeted in these days. I again commemorate the martyrs of that massacre with respect and gratitude.
For more than 46 years now, the PKK has struggled to avenge this massacre and has asked for retribution. It will continue to do so even more.
46 years ago, it was the aim of this massacre to wipe out all Kurds west of the Euphrates. Now, on the 46th anniversary, following the same mentality, attacks are being carried out in Manbij. Yesterday Meresh, today Manbij. The aim is to wipe out all Kurdish existence west of the Euphrates. An anti-Kurdish, fascist, colonialist, and genocidal mentality and policy prevail. They are committing massacres and the heaviest and most brutal crimes against humanity in order to destroy the democratic environment in which Kurdishness can show its existence. This must be stopped. We ensure that through our struggle, one day those who did this will be held accountable before history, before humanity.
In the month of December, there was also the Roboski Massacre. It happened thirteen years ago on December 28th. I also commemorate the martyrs of Roboski with respect and gratitude. That massacre was committed following the personal command of Tayyip Erdogan. He gave clear instructions. He claimed that they had killed comrade Bahoz Erdal, but who they actually killed were the children of Roboski, who were trying to do their trade, trying to support their families. Tayyip Erdogan’s hands were stained with the blood of these children. His crime has gotten worse and bigger.
There was also the massacre in the prison on December 19. Dozens of revolutionaries were brutally murdered in prison in 2001. I commemorate them all with respect and gratitude. And in 2022, on December 23, there was the second massacre of Paris, following the first one on January 9 in 2013. On this occasion, I commemorate the martyrs of both Paris massacres, Sara, Rojbin, and Ronahi, as well as Evin Goyi, Abdurrahman Kizil, and Mir Perwer, with respect and gratitude. Our people abroad, our patriotic people, must struggle strongly and effectively in order to protect their memories. I salute the struggles and resistances being waged and call for a stronger struggle.
At this point, we must also address the French government. The murderers are known; the instigators are known. There are so many documents, so much evidence. The leaders of France say, ‘We must protect the Kurds in Rojava’. There are voices like that, even if they are weak. Sometimes they praise the YPJ fighters, but on the other hand, together with the massacring AKP-MHP fascist administration, they do not even enlighten the assassination of Kurds in Paris. They do not hold the criminals to account. Therefore, their words have no seriousness. The rulers of France should know that the seriousness of their words in the eyes of the Kurds can only be achieved by illuminating these two Paris assassinations and punishing their perpetrators. Only then will the Kurds believe their words and take them seriously.
The people of Paris, the French society, showed a certain reaction. They showed their solidarity. There is a strong friendship with the Kurdish people. I salute them. They should take on more responsibility within this struggle. There needs to be more pressure on the French administration. It is time to hold the AKP government to account for its massacres and assassinations, which constitute crimes against humanity. This massacring, fascist government must be held to account. Everyone must unite in demanding accountability. Therefore, the French society must put more pressure on its own government. Because one of their weakest bellies is these fascist massacres. No one should ever allow the assertion that the Turkish Republic had nothing to do with the second massacre. It is very well known that the Turkish intelligence was the perpetrator of it. This is its only job. The Turkish authorities openly admit that they have lists of people that they search to assassinate. One does not need to be a scholar to understand what they are doing. They don’t even really try to hide it; they don’t even really try to conceal it. It is such a world that we are living in. It is as if the Turkish state has been given every opportunity and permission to massacre Kurds. The struggle to uncover the truth and to hold them to account must be continued further and more effectively.
Let’s come to Turkey’s colonialist war of aggression in northern Iraq/southern Kurdistan. What can you tell us about the fighting there? And what impact will the developments in Syria have on the involved forces here?
By the end of 2024, the level that the war has reached is significant. The plans of the Turkish Republic have been frustrated once again. The war continues on every front. The 2024 war was centered in the areas of Western Zap and the Metina area. Mainly on the basis of the agreement made with the Iraqi administration on April 22, they renewed that agreement on August 15. This agreement was based on what they call “closing the lock” and getting results in this regard. It was a year of war that they waged with the intention that at the end of it, as Tayyip Erdogan put it, there should be no trace of the PKK left in northern Iraq. Now we see that the resistance continues in Metina, that it continues in Western Zap as well. The war continues in every way, and just the other day we heard of new actions of the guerrilla on Mount Cudi, Mount Amediye, Mount Bahar, and on the slopes of Metina.
It must have been July 3rd, when, as a result of the agreement with Iraq, armored troops were placed on the asphalted roads stretching from the south of all these areas, from Amediye and Dereluk to Sheladize, and with the support of the KDP, the Turkish Republic announced that it would now be able to achieve results in the fastest way possible. What is the true result? They are stuck. One could say they locked themselves. Without the support of the KDP, without the support of Iraq, they would not be able to stay where they currently are for a minute. They should not forget that everything happens based on that support.
There was news that the KDP ambushed a team of the HPG. KDP should not play with fire. It is visible what process we are going through. That is the only thing I say in this regard for now. The Turkish forces are only able to survive with the power of the KDP in all these areas. This is the current situation.
In this context, some words to those who opened the gates to the Turkish Republic, who sold these places, who leads and supports the invasion and annexation attacks on the Medya Defense Zones2, that beautiful geography that is supposedly part of Iraq and Southern Kurdistan. What has the KDP done? Does it ever question what it has done? What did the Iraqi administration, the Sudani administration do? Our comrades have often warned them. I haven’t said much in this regard myself recently. It is always said that they act according to their own interests. But I would also like to say one or two things.
Those sitting in Baghdad should look at what happened to Bashar al-Assad and come to their senses. What else is needed to say? Assad was their brother. They were two states, with one administration. Tayyip Erdogan held meetings with Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, and now he is bragging about how he treacherously overthrew him. Now he says, “I called him. He didn’t answer me, and this is what happened to him.” This is how he defends what he did. Baghdad should know who they are collaborating with. They should know who they seek friendship from.
It was the PKK that protected the administration in Baghdad against ISIS. It was the PKK that protected them in Kirkuk, that protected them in Hewler (Erbil), that protected them in Shengal (Sinjar). The former Iraqi Prime Minister thanked the PKK in front of the press, in front of the public. Massoud Barzani went and sat next to the guerrilla commanders in Makhmur and expressed his gratitude. “You protected my power”, he said. If they had not protected him in Makhmur, the Barzani sultanate in Hewler would have been destroyed.
It is hard to tell whether the Barzanis will be rehabilitated or not. Because collaborationism and betrayal are such things that once you get involved, you sink deeper and deeper. There is no way out.
Now it is said that Iraq will be next. The administration of Tayyip Erdogan will do the same in Iraq as it did in Syria. And it will do this based on the military positions that the Sudani administration pioneered and built and the organizations it built in Iraq, with the power it gets from them. They will see what will happen to them. We didn’t want to say these things. We warned them many times, but they didn’t listen to us. If they had listened a little bit, they wouldn’t have acted in such a narrow, simple, self-interested way. It would have been better for them. What else is there to say now? Now, they must see how they can save themselves.
The PKK is waging its struggle. It pays whatever the price is. It shows the courage and sacrifice and carries out its struggle. It defends the Medya Defense Zones against the Turkish occupation. This is the defense of Southern Kurdistan and Iraq. The PKK does this without relying on any other force, based only on its own strength. Everyone should do their own accounting. The alliance that the current Iraqi administration has made, was it really against the PKK? Or was it a trap set for itself? Our leadership had warned you and back then expressed that you are being set up, that you are being played, and are falling into a trap. Back then we already stated that you would have to pay a heavy price for it. Now they say there is panic in Baghdad; there is panic in Iraq. Movement has started everywhere. The situation in Syria is rapidly affecting the situation in Iraq. We hope they will learn their lessons, because those who make mistakes will pay for them. We hope that the democratic and freedom-striving forces in Iraq will assess correctly what the PKK is struggling for and will accordingly come to the right path. They will see how the Kurds educated by Rêber Apo under the leadership of the PKK are a brotherly force, a force of democracy for Iraq. Joining this path, this is our call, this is our expectation.
We’ve already mentioned it, the year 2024 is coming to an end. What can you tell us about the year that is coming to an end and the new year that is just around the corner?
First of all, I would like to wish all those who are struggling for democracy and freedom a happy new year. I wish them great success for their struggle in 2025. Also like others, we as a movement are taking the opportunity to evaluate the past year in order to enter 2025 better prepared and with strong planning.
The year 2024 was characterized by two things at the national, international, and regional levels. On the international level, it was the Gaza War that started on October 7, 2023. It characterized the developments in the Middle East and not only affected the region but the whole world. The Third World War is being fought, and the Gaza War was a crucial part of it. As a result, Gaza was razed to the ground. Tens of thousands of people were massacred. The Palestinian people were massacred. From Gaza the war spilled over into Lebanon, and the Israel-Hezbollah began in the same manner. The Shiite community of Lebanon paid a heavy price. And now, after a more than 60-year rule, Baathist Syria collapsed, and a search for a new government started. The war continues to escalate and spread.
Also, the war continued in Ukraine. Both wars, the war in Ukraine and the war that spread from Gaza to Syria, are interlinked with each other. They are part of the Third World War. The agreements made with Russia for the easy fall of the Assad regime in Syria are also related to the Ukrainian war. Trump policies are being implemented. The monopoly capitalist system enacted some things with the Biden administration through the Ukraine War, and after that, it implemented the war in Gaza and the war in Syria. Now with Trump’s policies, it is taking it to a new stage. The war in Ukraine may recede; it may be stopped. There may be new foci of war in other areas. But the main area of focus still is the Middle East. Some called the Gaza War a local war; some called it a regional war, but can a war in the Middle East be regional? The Middle East is the area where the forces waging the Third World War against each other today originated. Can the war here ever be regional? The war in the center of the power and state system concerns the entire system. The war here will continue and spread. It may even deepen further.
The year 2024 was very decisive and important, and it is clear that in 2025 the forces of the monopolistic-capitalist system will continue their attacks to shatter the status quo that they created by the First World War. Their efforts in this regard will deepen in Iraq, but Iran and Turkey are essential for them because the status quo of the nation states of the past hundred years has been built on these two. The hegemonic powers were Iran and Turkey. Now, a new hegemony is emerging, and Israel, with the help of the monopolistic-capitalist system, is striving to become the new hegemonic power in the region. It wants to create a new Middle East system around a new trade and energy route on the basis of the Arab-Israeli agreement by making agreements with the Arabs, with the Saudis, and with Egypt. They want to create a new structure that will ensure the maximum profit of capital in this area, which is central regarding energy resources and trade routes. They want to form a structure where the status quo of the nation-state has been overcome, where the rapid and free fluctuation of capital is ensured.
The status quo of the nation state is an obstacle to this. It is an obstacle to exploitation, to profit. That is why they are trying to overcome it. Therefore, the war is spreading towards the regional centers. This is going in the direction of Iran and Turkey.
We will see how it will take shape in Iran and in Turkey. In any case, it will not be the same way everywhere. It will be different in Turkey. Turkey is surrounded by the system. It can change it through politics, the economy, and many other dimensions. “If they don’t change,” said Rêber Apo, ”they will be torn to pieces.” Lastly, Rêber Apo warned again, “They will isolate you in Anatolia.” In other words, they will be isolated in Ankara. Because Turkey is about to miss the train. Why don’t Turkey’s intellectual writers and politicians understand this? The democratic circles don’t understand it and make a big mistake not to raise a stink. One is surprised by this. There is no situation to be comfortable. Turkey has taken a step towards a catastrophe with the AKP-MHP administration. Why can’t they see this? Are they that inconsiderate? That is a crucial problem.
No doubt they will also do some things in Iran. They have already largely crushed Iran’s forces outside its borders. They will probably crush them even more. And Iran has already shown a tendency to compromise. It didn’t fight. They will want to get results by pressure.
As part of the Third World War, 2024 inherited the Gaza War of 2023. It took it to an advanced level and spread it to Lebanon and Syria. And now it is handing it over to 2025. 2025 will pass with the same intensity and speed. Some people evaluated that 2024 was the year of elections and 2025 would be the year of war and change. that 2025 will be a year of radical and rapid changes. It is said that 2024 was the year of elections and 2025 would be the year of war and change. There were elections in 2024, but the war and change didn’t slow down for it. This will eventually deepen in the upcoming year. Everybody should be aware of and prepared for this.
What on the other hand had characterized the year 2024 on a national level for as a movement and for us as a people, was that we entered the year with the global freedom campaign aiming for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo and the solution of the Kurdish question. It had been announced on October 10, 2023. 2024 was a year of a massive struggle in this regards. Led by the Imrali resistance, led by the heroic guerrilla resistance in Zap and Metina, this resistance peaked in the action of comrades Asya Ali and Rojger Helin peaked against the TAI.
Through the struggle in the four parts of Kurdistan, it became a year of freedom struggle. As Kurdish society gained a better understanding of Rêber Apo and educated itself accordingly, the paradigm based on the pillars of basic democracy, social ecology, and women’s freedom and the corresponding freedom struggle of the Kurdish people expanded globally. For the Kurds, it has become a year in which democratic modernity has expanded globally. We have already analyzed the effects of this. So they could not avoid it and had to allow a meeting with Rêber Apo on October 23. The fascist AKP-MHP went into a panic. It was about to collapse, but the system came to their rescue. They want to keep it alive and breathe a little by involving it in the situation in Syria. They are trying to prolong its life, to exploit it a little more. But not to save it. The day will come when the very forces that have kept them alive will point the finger at them and accuse them of the crimes they have made them commit. Everybody knows that, and they themselves know it. Look at the situation of Bashar al-Assad; you will see yourself there as if you were looking in a mirror. They should see what will happen to them there.
This great total resistance for freedom is being handed over as a legacy for 2025. That is how we enter the new year. It has been a year of a breakthrough, a year of development, of opening up for our freedom struggle and the freedom campaign. The insistence on the freedom of Rêber Apo has become the insistence on the freedom of all the oppressed. The struggle for freedom and democracy in Kurdistan and the struggle for freedom and democracy for everyone have become one and the same. The year 2025 will be a year in which this struggle will develop much more in every field, on every dimension, with new methods, and achieve lasting results.
We stated at the beginning that this campaign will continue until we achieve permanent gains regarding the physical freedom of Rêber Apo and permanent results for the solution of the Kurdish question. It will continue in all four parts of Kurdistan.
2024 truly was a year of intense war and change, and 2025 has the potential to be a year in which this deepens even more and permanent results emerge. It is an open and favorable year for this. The outcome will be determined by the struggling forces, their struggles, and their efforts. We state that we, as a movement, as a people, on the basis of our global freedom campaign, will make every effort to turn 2025 into a year of freedom and democracy. We will carry out our struggle in every field with the richest methods and in the strongest way for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo and the solution of the Kurdish question. We have the will and power to realize this. We are entering 2025 prepared, planned, and organized. And we are convinced that we will achieve lasting, outstanding successes.
In conclusion, I would like to once again wish everyone waging the struggle for freedom and democracy in 2025 great success. I wish all forces striving for democracy and freedom a happy and successful new year.
1 Referring to peoples leader Abdullah Ocalan.
2 Areas on the border between the four parts of Kurdistan that are under the control of the Kurdish freedom guerrilla.