october 15, 2022
KCK Congratulates Dr. Abdullatif Reşid on His Election as Iraqi President
Although one year has passed since the elections, we consider the election of the Iraqi President by the parliament as a positive and important step. We would therefore like to congratulate Dr. Abdullatif Reşid on his election as president and wish him success for his work. We believe that Mr. Latif Reşid will make great contributions to the democratic solution of the problems faced by both the Iraqi and the Kurdish people.
Mr. Abdullatif Reşid is an important personality who has made important services for the freedom of the people of Kurdistan and therefore enjoys their love and respect. The people of Kurdistan know him as an intellectual with patriotic feelings, who has served the freedom of the Kurdish people and has thus made significant contributions to the struggle for freedom. His election as the President of Iraq has clearly shown that Dr. Latif Reşid is a person who is valued by all the peoples of Iraq. Undoubtedly, his election as the President of Iraq has placed great responsibilities and expectations on him. We would like to express our expectations that Dr. Latif Reşid will provide important services to both the people of Kurdistan and Iraq. As the Kurdish Freedom Movement, we would like to wish him success for his mission and to express our support.
The first person to assume the Presidency of Iraq was the late Mam Jalal Talabani. Throughout his life, Mam Jalal worked for the freedom and unity of the people of Kurdistan. After being elected as the President of Iraq, he provided important services to the whole country. Dr. Abdullatif Reşid, like Mam Jalal, has not only served the people of Kurdistan, but has also shown that he will strive to solve the problems of the people of Iraq and the region by becoming the president of the country. In fact, Mr. Reşid knew Mam Jalal closely, was a friend of him and worked closely with him.
Today, the Kurdish people are going through a fateful historical process. At the end of this historical struggle, which has been carried out at a heavy cost, our people have achieved great gains. They have now reached the point where they can build a common life with the peoples of the Middle East based on democratic unity which will ensure their complete freedom. The people of Kurdistan therefore expect everyone to take responsibility and contribute to the success of this struggle. We believe that Dr. Abdullatif Reşid, who has strong patriotic feelings and is committed to the people’s freedom struggle, will seek to meet these expectations of the people of Kurdistan and will make important contributions to their cause of freedom.
The Iraqi people and the people of the region also have clear expectations towards personalities who have taken over political responsibility. Important problems exist both in Iraq and in the region. It is very important to make efforts to solve them. The colonialist and occupying hegemonic powers promote nationalist and sectarian attitudes in order to establish their dominance in Iraq and the Middle East and to make political and economic gains, thereby deepening the problems of the region. But the problems in Iraq and the Middle East can only be solved through democratization.
The genocidal colonialist Turkish state, which has still not abandoned its mentality of denial and annihilation, is on the offensive everywhere to suppress the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle and carry out the Kurdish genocide. In this context, it is also carrying out invasion attacks on South Kurdistan and Iraq and is thus trying to achieve its Misak-ı Milli goals. The Turkish state has already entered and occupied many parts of South Kurdistan. Now, it wants to expand this occupation even more. It does all this because its aim is to occupy Kurdistan, carry out a genocide against the Kurdish people and establish its hegemony in the region by reaching the borders of Misak-ı Milli. The Turkish state’s occupation and attacks constitute a flagrant attack on the sovereignty and democratic unity of Iraq and South Kurdistan. As the Kurdish Freedom Movement, we fight against this colonialist and occupying power to defend the cause of the people of Kurdistan and to ensure their freedom. We and the Kurdish people strongly believe that the Iraqi government, especially the Iraqi President, will take a clear stance against the Turkish state’s occupying and genocidal Neo-Ottomanist policy that aims to subjugate the peoples of the region.
Once again, we would like to congratulate Dr. Abdullatif Reşid on his election as president. We believe that his election will be a positive step for Kurdistan, Iraq and the region and will contribute to the solution of the problems of the people of Kurdistan and the Middle East.
KCK Executive Council